Get to know us
Community And Neighbors for Ninth District Unity (CANNDU) Neighborhood Council was founded by Horace Penman and certified by the City of Los Angeles in 2003. It is an officially recognized advisory council and part of the Los Angeles Citywide system of neighborhood councils whose objective is to increase our influence with City lawmakers and departments to improve our community. The Board is elected by stakeholders and holds monthly meetings. The Board is comprised of 9 volunteers who want to help you improve our neighborhood. Empower your community. Improve life in your community. Become an active member of your community. The Board is allocated a budget of $42,000 by the City.

The Purpose Statement of CANNDU NC is to participate as an advisory body on issues of concern to our neighborhood council and in the governance of the City of Los Angeles.

To provide an inclusive open forum for public discussion of issues concerning City governance, the needs of this neighborhood council, the delivery of City services to this neighborhood council, and on matters of a Citywide nature.
To advise the City of Los Angeles on issues concerning City governance, the needs of this Council, the delivery of City services to CANNDU, and on matters of a Citywide nature.

CANNDU Neighborhood Council Community Meetings are held every 4th Thursday at the Personal Involvement Center, 8220 South San Pedro St., Los Angeles, CA 90003 . You are invited to come and let your voice be heard. This is the only way CANNDU can address your concerns and issues.

Get Involved
Come to a meeting! Stakeholders may submit a speaker card and present their comments in two minutes during the public comment period. Please note, if you have an item you want the Board to take action on right away, you should contact the President requesting the item to be agendized. The Board may only discuss and take action on agendized items. Your request should provide the specific details and requested action to take. Requests should be submitted 1-2 weeks prior to the meeting. Join a committee. Committee do the real work and present recommendations to the Board for final approval. Apply for an open seat. Stakeholders may apply in writing to the Corresponding Secretary to fill an open seat. The Secretary will agendize the vote for the next meeting.

North: Slauson Avenue between 110 Freeway and Central Avenue.
East: Central Avenue between Slauson Avenue and 84th Street.
South: 84th Street between 110 Freeway and Central Avenue.
West: 84th Street between 110 Freeway and Central Avenue.

What is a stakeholder?
A stakeholder is defined as anyone who lives, works, or owns real property within the above boundaries and also those who declare a stake in the neighborhood as a community interest stakeholder, defined as a person who affirms a substantial and ongoing participation within the Neighborhood Council’s boundaries and who may be in a community organization such as, but not limited to, educational, non-profit and / or religious organizations.

CANNDU uses a portion of its budget to support community events that help our outreach efforts. To apply for funding complete the Neighborhood Purposes Grant form found on the City Clerk site and submit it to the board for discussion at the agenda setting meeting. It can then be placed on the agenda for the Council meeting. CANNDU can only vote on items on the agenda at the Council meeting.
Please plan ahead, it can take 2-3 months or more to approve and process a funding request before payment is sent.